Tuesday, December 31, 2013

#100 wishlists part 1

bile tahun baru, selalunye ade azam tahun baru.
boringlah azam2. tiap tahun azam baru.
yang lama xtercapai jugak.
di'brought forward' ke tahun depaaan jer.
sampai dah patut kene write off.
jadi bad debt mungkin.

tu diaaaa MFRS 999. gua yg cipta sendiri.
how to handle ur cumulative azam yg xtercapai2.

ok. stop about accounting. xder sape faham -,-

so, at this very moment of new year,
at this very late hour [0200am]
i'm thinking about making a 100 wishlists.
its time to think about your future, right.
i'm almost 22. no more gila2 main2 sana sini.
time to get serious about your life.

a logically achievable dream ok. not a fantasy one.
or else i would hopping that Hogwarts are existed.
 xyah sampai 100 wishlist.
that 1 fantasy dream is enough. haha

*see, berfantasi lagi. kanak-kanak lagi ni.
btw, i'm a sick lover of Harry Potter series. tq*

so, this is it....

#1 my own walk-in wardrobe.
#2 Canon DSLR 650D
#3 Umrah :') 
want to see, sujud right in front of Kaabah. would be beautiful indeed.
#4 get married before 25
#5 travel with bestie. to australia. or anywhere around the globe
#6 visiting Turki. melihat kesan keagungan Islam zaman dulu.
#7 kumpulkan balik semuaaaaa geng2 sekolah rendah. yg nasyid2 dulu tuuu.
#8 having my own kindergarten. 
This is mine and my sister's aim. Currently we have a land to build the building. The house not build yet. Masih kumpul modal. Modul utk anak2 murid dah ade. Please, do pray for us. Kami nak membina anak2 muslim yang qawiy. Islamic English kindergarten, Insyaallah. :)
#9 Build a house for my parents. and a maid. and we live next to their house. [we???]
#10 move and settle down in UK. 
ini impian sejak sekolah menengah yer. bkn sebab kene halau dengan menteri. haaaa, if u know what i mean.
#11 tengok adik berjaya. xkesah dalam apa saja bidang yg dia minat.
#12 Naza picanto
#13 Reti main gitar dgn jayanya
#14 belanja mak abah pegi vacation
#15 play tamborine again. dengan geng perkusi. rindunyaaa.
#16 ade geng handball
#17 keje, timba pengalaman kat audit firm
#18 whether being a CEO, or owning a business. bkn jenis yg biase terima arahan orang.
#19 buatkan teh tarik utk semua kawan2 yg saya kenal. 
cause thats what I do best. nikmat kurnia mmg utk dikongsi kan. itu je yg termampu :')
#20 semua album KRU yg pernah wujud. dan mawi
#21 pump shoes. and a pair of boots. oxford shoes.
#22 Own karaoke set
#23 Terer swimming
#24 meet Bunkface in person. Sam especially.
#25 Tengok teha kahwin. mehmehmeh :D
#26 mekap set. kalau dah wanita tu, wanita jugak.
#27 tons of perfumes
#28 Jumpa kak D. Murabbi pertama gua yg berjaya menjentik hati kental gua. rindu :'(
#29 Lesen motor
#30 Scrambler
#31 bonet kereta yang penuh dengan compartment utk letak kasut2 baju2. 
bukan penuh bunga macam cite Nora Elena tu. btw, I love when my car is my wardrobe.
#32 Someone who sings Have u ever really loved a woman by Bryan Adam. 
My future husband of course. haha
#33 anyone yg suke lagu2 The carpenters jugak, raised ur hand please. tgh carik partner-in-crime nih.
#34 build a house. utk jadi RI dan boleh wat macam2 daurah kat situ.
#35 Nanti kawin kenduri sama dgn abang. jimat.
#36 Hot chocolate *this just came up from my mind*
#37 Handbags
#38 Mini library. that filled with my own english fiction collection.
#39 Cooking books. craft books. religious books. books and books.
#40 get in front of the crowd. talk about what I love. what I know.
#41 Bungee jumping
#42 Jump from a heli with a parachute on
#43 Naik puncak kinabalu
#44 Kurussssssssss dan sihat dan bertenaga. hoyeah!
#45 Pergi 10km running event with bestie. or future hubby :p
#46 Panjat pokok manggis kt umah sampai atassssss skali.
#47 Ride scrambler sampai 140km/h. macam syiookkk jer.
#48 buat teha nangis depan aku sebab aku sweet sangat. Haha. 
*seems impossible much yet still possible to happen at normal human being*
#49 satu peti ais. penuh dengan ais. dan chocolate. dan anggur. done.
#50 scuba diving

cukuplah 50 malam ni. berejam perah otak.
kesemua impian tersebut tiadalah mengikut susunan dari terkecik ke terbesar.
semuanya bersepah. shuffle. besar kecik besar kecik.
ade impian yang dah tersimpan lama sejak mengenal dunia.
ade yg bru tercipta.
ade yg spontan dtg malam ni.

still, those dreams can still be changed literally from time to time.
as people's interest might change across time.

macam gua dulu suke sgt bende2 lasak sgt2,
berangan nak masok askar.
dpt msok PALAPES satu sem.
tros da taubat. bkn sbb kepenatan or tak tahan.
sbb unsur dalaman.
dan ia mengganggu keadaan iman aku yg turun naik,
dan mengganggu keje dakwah aku yg xkan pernah habis
yg paling utama tentunya.
dan aku yang masih belom yakin, ckup qawiy untuk menapis unsur2 jahiliyyah lama.
masih usaha membuang karat2 yg lama.
kan salah satu cara untuk berubah ialah...
Bi'ah solehah. iaitu suasana yg baik.
dan suasana dalam PALAPES tiadalah membantu.
bukanlah nk kata PALAPES tu xelok.
cume aku yang masih belom bersedia. huhu.
apa2hal pun everything depends on urself kan.

ok. bakal sambung lagi 50 pd masa lapang yg lain. InsyaAllah :)

p/s : save the biggest dream at the #100th wishlists.

Mohon. diTerima ya.

Maaf dunia.

Sepertinyaaa semua post2 gua sebelum ni macam bermasalah.
penuh masalah.

kalau xder masalah bukanlah kehidupan, ye dok.

tapi, kerana ke'cengeng'an saya,
tertempias semua masalah di warkah maya ini.

ku pohon 10 jari kerana menyerabutkan mata kalian dgn post2 tersebut.

(itupn kalau ade yg baca) *tgn didada mata ke atas*



this is my blog. sukati la nak tulis ape.

tpi ingat, ALL of this aren't yours.
pinjaman semata yer.
satu masa yg pasti,
kita semua bakal menjadi tanah. debu. hancur. berderai.

so so so,
be mindful of others please :)

ok. lots of love.


p/s : uweeeeeeeeee. da lme tak menaip. kekontangan idea.

New years's eve. KONON.

mental block. seriously.

its examination week.
no. not week. examination month. 
n not to forget, weekend also.

and still have to go through this,
for the next 6 months.
and the next 6 months.
and the next 6 months.
and thats it.

itupn kalo xsambung ACCA ke master or CIMA or 
any other professional programs.

macam robot kan?
belajar belajar belajar.
exam exam exam.

at the end of the day,
nnti keje bukan kene dgn bidang yg tengah blaja sekarang.
frankly speaking, accountancy is not my passion.

for now.

maybe for the next 1 1/2 year, i might fall in love with it.
I might.

we never know what the future holds.
as me myself never hold my heart either.
Allah holds it. He holds.
mungkin ade sebab kenape masih xmampu mencintai bidang ini.


masih mencari potensi diri mungkin.

yes. indeed. 

am still searching. 

May Allah guides me.

dear family, friends, enemies, frienemies, 
all people around me...
help me. help me to find my own self.


p/s : permulaan 2014 yg xberapa nak baik. well January 1st is just a date aite, :')