Saturday, November 17, 2012

masterchef celup

salam ukhuwah sekalian.
baru selesai midtest. Alhamdulillah.
dont ask me about it. tawakkaltu a'lallah.
thats the least i can do.

disebabkan stress yg mendadak2 last week,
i went home dgn niat nk release lah sket.
lme2 dok uitm takot nnti terjun menara plak nnti kn,
nmpk tak tahap tensionnye tu. haa..

jd bile balik umah, i found a new way to release tension.


ha, xcaya? blom cuba blom tw.
bile kt rumah geram je tgok ade kentang sekotak xpakai lg,
my mom thought of making begedil,
but i think otherwise.
nk wat shepherd's pie lah!

then, wat lah research serba serbi nk mencari resepi terbaik kononnya.
i picked one. i cooked. i baked.

resepi? ha, ni lg stu masalah wa.
i love to modified the recipe, n men bedal masok mcm2 benda,
end up bile org tny cmne wat, xtw nak jwb,
coz i have problems remembering my own recipe..
btw, this pie turned out to be my bro's favourite.
n my sister in law too. alhamdulillah. all praise to Him :)

so, go n try it. not just baking. maybe anything u never did before.
bungee jumping, hiking, swimming...
tpi yang pasti, the best way to release stress for sure,
read quran n turned back to HIM. 

"ketahuilah dgn mengingati Allah, jiwa kan menjadi tenang.."


p/s : memasaklah dgn hati ikhlas, penuh kasih sayang n berzikir. resepi rahsia :)

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